Will Christopher Nolan refer to The Precipice or Toby Ord before the end of 2024?
Dec 31

"Has Christopher Nolan's Oppenheimer been inspired by Toby Ord's The Precipice?", wonders @JonathanMannhart in the below tweet.

Currently there seem to be no relevant results when googling ["Toby ord" "Christopher Nolan"] / ["Christopher Nolan" "The Precipice"] an indication that it hasn't yet happened.

Market closing date set to the end of 2024, so that it can eventually resolve to NO.
Might come down to a judgment call (hopefully not), and I will not trade in this market.

Resolves YES even if he has not read it, but somehow mentions either Toby Ord or The Precipice in an interview.
Resolves YES even if Christopher Nolan mentioned this before this market's creation.
Resolves YES if a member of Oppenheimer's production crew, or other relevant key player close to Nolan, says that Christopher Nolan knows about or was inspired by the Precipice or Toby Ord.

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