Will Finland legalize euthanasia by 2030?

Currently, "active" euthanasia is illegal in Finland, and is similarly illegal in most countries (exceptions include Canada, Netherlands, and a few other countries). "Passive" euthanasia (refusal of treatment) is legal.

In 2018, such a proposed law was rejected by the Finnish parliament.

In 2023, a citizens' initiative has been created and has received more than 50 000 signatures, meaning it will be considered by the government by 2027.

The most recent poll (2023) revealed doctors' opinions as polarized but overall 55% in favor.

Resolution will be determined by inspecting the Wikipedia page for Legality of euthanasia; YES if Finland is marked as "Active voluntary euthanasia legal", even if under restrictions. As of 2023, it is marked "Passive euthanasia legal" (as are most european countries).

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