When will antimatter reactors be created for space travel?
Before 2051
Between 2051-2100
Between 2101-2150
After 2150 or never

Some days ago Sabine Hossenfelder created a video on antimatter reactors for interstellar space travel:


She predicted even if such reactors are theoretically possible, because of physics constraints they won't happen within the next 300 years.

I believe this statement is largely too conservative. As a comparison, three hundred years ago we had no shuttles, no planes, no cars, no trains, no electricity, no computers. Not only we achieved all this in 300 years, but technology evolves exponentially and in the next few decades we'll have AI, smart robots, fusion energy and quantum computers to support human discoveries.

I thought of creating this market to see other people's opinions and whether they change in the next few decades. I hope you can bet on this for the sake of curiosity, even if the reward timeline is so far away.

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