Will we have a superhuman mathematician by the beginning of 2026 (as defined here: https://twitter.com/ChrSzegedy/status/1598341927828594688)?
Dec 31

Christian Szegedy and Francois Chollet have a bet about whether we'll have a superhuman mathematician by the beginning of 2026. This market will resolve to however they resolve their bet, or if not resolved, to the best of my ability to evaluate the criteria described in the tweet (https://twitter.com/ChrSzegedy/status/1598341927828594688) myself.

Close date updated to 2025-12-31 6:59 pm

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Will we have a superhuman mathematician by the beginning of 2026 (as defined here: https://twitter.com/ChrSzegedy/status/1598341927828594688)?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition