Will OpenOffice.org be officially declared obsolete/unmaintained/archived by the Apache Foundation in 2024/2025?

The office suite formerly known as OpenOffice or OpenOffice.org is now actively developed by the LibreOffice project. However, the Apache Foundation continues to advertise a project OpenOffice.org that gets, to a first approximation, zero actual maintenance. (See https://lwn.net/Articles/637735/ back in 2015, and https://lwn.net/Articles/729460/ in 2017.) Nonetheless, that project still "exists" and gathers users due to historical name recognition.

Will the Apache Foundation declare the project obsolete, unmaintained, archived, moved to the "attic", or otherwise marked as "don't use this", some time in the next two years? Or, will the project remain a trap for unwary users?

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