[Metaculus] Will the federal minimum wage increase in the United States before 2025?
Jan 2

Will the federal minimum wage increase in the United States before 2025?

Resolves the same as the original on Metaculus.

Resolution criteria

The federal minimum wage in the United States is currently $7.25 an hour, and was most recently changed in 2009.

This question resolves positively if at least three reliable media outlets report that the federal minimum wage increased from $7.25 any time before January 1st 2025. Otherwise, it resolves negatively.

This question can be resolved at any time.

Fine print and additional background information can be found on Metaculus.

Once the original resolves, its resolution will be applied to this market automatically. Trustworthy-ish users are encouraged to resolve this market before then if the outcome is known and unambiguous. Feel free to ping @jskf to request early resolution or to report issues.

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