Will Outline VPN be blocked in Russia at any point in 2023 or 2024?
Dec 31

I wonder whether Russia will have technology to identify shadowsocks, or whatever protocol Outline uses at that time. Whether this technology is widely deployed doesn't matter for this question.

Resolution criteria:

https://meduza.io/ or https://zona.media/ report that Outline was blocked by protocol by at least one ISP. A wording like "users report" is enough. These sites translate some of their articles to English, but for this market a Russian-only article will do.

If an article appears, I will wait 14 days before resolving. If the same news source acknowledges their report was false, I will not resolve based on the original article.


Some ISPs in Russia currently block OpenVPN and WireGuard protocols, but shadowsocks which Outline uses is known to be more resistant to blocking.

A recent article from zona.media: https://en.zona.media/article/2023/08/08/vpn

A recent article from Meduza: https://meduza.io/paragraph/2023/08/09/moy-vpn-perestal-rabotat-chto-delat-kak-iskat-rabotayuschiy

A forum where VPN blocking in Russia is discussed: https://ntc.party/ (will not be used for resolution, but can be used for trading)

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