Will Denmark legalize high TCH cannabis by the end of 2025

Resolves positive if it is legal to buy weed with THC above 5% without a prescription in Denmark.
Buying cannabis with THC content below 0.2% is already legal.

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Denmark is a very backwards country, so I am thinking no!


@Mirek lmao what?

@sbares Very naive people who are high and mighty first to criticize elsewhere, meanwhile the taxes they pay are out the wazoo yet they are thinking it is the state being generous for them! Beautiful people, but very backwards and I am sad for them today.

@Mirek Have you ever met a Dane lol? But anyway, what we pay in taxes has little to do with this question. High THC cannabis is unlikely to be allowed by 2025, but that's not because Denmark is "backwards", it's just because it's not something that is presently on the table.

Denmark recently announced plans to close semilegal/tolerated Pusher Street, where you could buy cannabis before.