Will I have a research position at Conjecture (Research Engineer included) by the end of 2025?
Dec 31
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predicts NO

Do I interpret the question correctly that this will resolve negative, if you work there, but leave again by the end of 2025?

predicts YES

@Tassilo This is correct.

predicts YES

Please propose ideas for related markets.

For the record, I'm incredibly excited about Conjecture. If I was offered a job at Conjecture, the probability that I would take it is probably very high.

@AlanaXiang 34% seems roughly correct.

It's probably going to be quite hard to get a visa in the UK without a college degree.

Also, like any other young startup, Conjecture may or may not exist by the end of 2025.

@AlanaXiang The Skilled Worker Visa seems to have no degree requirements. Time to buy Yes.

Will I have a research position at Conjecture (Research Engineer included) by the end of 2025?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition