At the end of 2024, which of the following country's GDP will be less than the market cap of Nvidia?
Jan 1
Netherlands (2023 GDP = $1.1T)
Turkey (2023 GDP = $1T)
Russia (2023 GDP = $1.86T)
Australia (2023 GDP = $1.35T)
Mexico (2023 GDP = $1.81T)
Saudi Arabia (2023 GDP = $1.8T)
Brazil (2023 GDP = $2.08T)
Spain (2023 GDP = $1.97T)
South Korea (2023 GDP =$2.39T)
Canada (2023 GDP = $2.29T)
Italy (2023 GDP = $2.28T)
France (2023 GDP = $2.92T)
UK (2023 GDP = $3.16T)
India (2023 GDP = $3.74T)
Japan (2023 GDP = $4.2T)
Germany (2023 GDP = $4.4T)

Market cap of Nvidia as of market close on the final day of trading during 2024.

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This is a stock versus flow comparison, so none of these answers are coherent.

it’s like saying “which is longer, 45 MPH or the length of a football field?”

bought Ṁ10 Russia (2023 GDP = $... YES

@Radicalia Manifold really needs to add a dislike button on comments

@Radicalia I read it as the GDP over the entire year?

bought Ṁ5 Australia (2023 GDP ... YES

@Radicalia I think country GDP is measured as whole years as well - I think the answers seems valid?

@Magnus_ Yes GDP resets every year. I originally had “annual GDP” in the title but that is redundant so I removed annual.

@BTE @Magnus_ @Thomas42 @Pykess are all wrong and @Radicalia is correct; you cannot meaningfully compare a stock variable (market cap) with a flow variable (GDP). Same as net worth is not income.

The meaningful comparison would be Nvidia's 2024 profit with countries' 2024 GDP. That's comparing apples to apples, income to income.

According to

The market capitalization of Nvidia has indeed surpassed the nominal GDP of Canada. Nvidia's market value reached $2 trillion, which is comparable to the entire Canadian economy's GDP of $2.12 trillion in 2023

bought Ṁ5 Russia (2023 GDP = $... YES

Why do markets like these even exist. Why do people bet on them. People just keep making them, it's basically a ddos attack against Manifold's news feeds.

@ooe133 How is that?? It’s a market to predict AI related market volatility on a global scale. Comparing US tech companies to nation states is dumb attack on the news feed you say? Explain that claim to me instead of just making snide comments like a lazy troll. Or did you just not get it?

@ooe133 I am trying to experiment and see what stimulates interest. I do a lot of that so maybe wanna just block me if you aren’t into it?

@ooe133 I have no idea why you're complaining about this market in particular

@BTE Ah, I see now. Sorry to be rude about it.

bought Ṁ50 Turkey (2023 GDP = $1T) YES

@ooe133 He got the partner perks so his markets are clearly appreciated