Will Matthew McConaughey ever be a candidate for President of the United States?

Resolves YES if Matthew McConaughey announces and files paperwork that he intends to campaign for President of the United States? Resolves NO if not.

Close date updated to 2032-12-31 11:59 pm

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When does this resolve?

@AndrewHartman Ah, nvm, 2040. I see why it's not popular.

predicts YES

@AndrewHartman Would it be better if it was 2028? Or 2032?

predicts YES

@AndrewHartman Moved it up to 2032.

@BTE While I appreciate the effort, it's still basically a sucker bet to put money in any market that won't resolve for a decade. Supposedly they're working on something under the hood for long-term markets, so I guess you don't have to abandon all hope yet.