Will MrBeast be known to have lost subscribers before 2025?

Resolves "YES" if:

  1. To my best knowledge, MrBeast's main channel's subscriber counter, which is rounded to millions, sustained a step down to a lower million (e.g. 309M to 308M) for a period of 10 or more minutes, or

  2. Leaked precise subscriber numbers reveal a net loss of subscribers over any 5 minute interval of time,

with these time intervals being strictly between June 1, 2024 and the end of the day (Eastern Standard Time), December 31st, 2024, and this is known before the end of the day January 2, 2025.

Otherwise resolves NO.

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Video proclaiming "downfall" by popular youtuber watched almost 2 million times:


Only 6M subscribers gained over the past 30 days (no month since February this year performed so poorly for him), and he has only gained 2 million this month with him not gaining subscribers in the past almost 8 days (this is consistent with him earning subscribers at a rate of less than 4 million per month, including him losing subscribers):
