What will be the reciprocal IFR of H5N1, if there is a pandemic?

The number is the RECIPROCAL of the infection fatality rate of H5N1: if the market resolves to 300, it means that for every 300 people infected, 1 dies.

Assuming there is an H5N1 pandemic that infects at least 10,000 people worldwide, what will Manifold's best estimate of the infection fatality rate be, one year after the pandemic starts?

(Will resolve to IFR based on conditions in rich Western countries at the start of the hypothetical pandemic. This means IFR among unvaccinated people, unless somehow people get vaccinated before the pandemic starts.)

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When considering the reciprocal infection fatality rate (IFR) of H5N1 in a potential pandemic, I focus on factors like transmission rates and mobile ultrasound healthcare responses. Predicting the IFR involves complex variables, but understanding its potential impact is crucial for preparedness and response strategies, aiming to minimize mortality and manage public health effectively.

To be clear, this means:

  • If the infection fatality rate is 1%, this market resolves to 100

  • If the infection fatality rate is 5%, this market resolves to 20

  • If the infection fatality rate is 33%, this market resolves to 3

Is that right?

Also seconding the guy below asking which sources this will be resolved with.

Sources? Reasoning?