[Weekly] Will the SP500 close higher?
Sep 21

Resolves YES if price at CLOSE on Friday is higher that price at OPEN on Monday, for the S&P 500 tracking index during the current week (taken from Yahoo finance ^GSPC)

Open price for Mon 16th Sep was 5,615.21

This week I'm making it mini too, but if this weekly becomes popular and I can afford to fund it better I'll improve the tier in the future, also I put the close on Saturday in case I can't resolve this Friday night. Because this is an objective metric I may trade in this market.

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Wednesday bump

opened a แน€25 YES at 49% order

I'm leaving a couple orders near 50% both sides to add a bit of liquidity given it's a Mini market, I'm still fairly new here so can't throw Basic just yet

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