Will there be double the units sold of the Apple Vision Air than the Apple Vision Pro by 2026?

The Apple Vision Air is only speculation and is set to be released 2025. At the end of 2026 the question will be resolved. The sales of the Vision Air must be 2 times or greater than the sales of the current Vision Pro.

Edit (2/5/24)

Clarification: this question is referring to the total cumulative sales after 2026.

Edit (2/12/24)

Clarification: if there is no product named Vision Air, the question will resolve no.

Thank you to all who helped my refine this question!

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You mean the cumulative total sales at the end of 2026?

Or the sales in the first year after release for each one?

@SantiagoRomeroBrufau Great question. I definitely should have clarified that. I mean the cumulative total sales at the end of 2026.

@Coolshoes Sounds good. You can edit the description, I suggest you add these clarifications at the bottom of the description (with a date of when you added it). If the market becomes popular, these comments will get buried.

@SantiagoRomeroBrufau Thanks for the help

if the Vision Air is not released, that sucks because I just spend 50 hard earned mana on this

If you Resolve this N/A, you get that Mana back

@mattyb Thanks. I am very glad to hear that.

@Coolshoes Yea, lots of purposeful N/A markets. it’s an interesting dynamic on the site

@Coolshoes I would have imagined this resolves NO if there's no product called ~Vision Air. Could you confirm you'll rather just resolve NO in that case?

@HenriThunberg correct. If there is no product named Vision Air, the question will resolve no.