Will go be solved before 2040?

Conditional on humanity surviving until 2040, will go be solved before then?

Close date updated to 2039-12-30 11:59 pm

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"Solved" how? I'm pretty sure we've already reached the level of "beats all humans".

@osmarks In the sense that it's provable what the score will be with perfect play.

@Elspeth Based on maximizing score or based only on forcing a win?

What rule set?

@MartinRandall Score maximization, or equivalently, what komi is necessary for White to win.

Tromp-Taylor or any common ruleset.

@Elspeth Score max feels like it should be much harder, but in 2040, who knows?

predicts NO

@MartinRandall There are more than a googolplex of possible go games on a 19x19 board. I know, most of them don't need to be considered, but remaining search space is still more than enormous.

@MartinRandall The alternative is that you're basically testing a given komi to see which side wins.

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