Are Carson and I married?

We have been together for almost 4 years. A consistent point of speculation between our friends and family has been if we've eloped already. Money has been put on the table here. We will reveal the final answer at market close and reserve the right to bet on the market ourselves :)

Edit: married as of date of posting

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Does the existence of the market about Carson's bachelor party imply that he can't already be married so the market must resolve no?

predicts NO

We need an answer to this poll! I hereby petition for it to resolve on January 1st, 2023.

predicts NO

@AustinGale I agree

predicts YES

Nono, leave it open until Carson throws that party for Manifolders in the Bay Area so I can try to find out a hint in person.

predicts YES

I defer to market creator @EmilyFuhriman , but would personally be open to resolving sooner if traders clearly want it (maybe 12/31/23?)

predicts NO

@CarsonGale No way! Sticking with the original end date. Suckers.

predicts NO
predicts YES

Drat, looks like California marriage certifications can be private.

Brooke said you wouldn't ask this if you weren't already married

predicts YES

@MaxAdams Seems like she could make some M$ then since the odds are near 50% still!

predicts NO

Carson bought M$2 of YES; it seems small enough that it might be intended to muddy the waters.

predicts YES

@arae And Emily bought M$2 of NO!

Weird, that Manifold Dream illustration looks exactly like the portrait we have on our secret hidden shelf at home...

Are Carson and I married?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition