New CEO at four of 13 top companies by April 1 2025
Apr 2

There will be a new CEO in place in at least four of these companies by April 1 2025.

  • Facebook (Meta)

  • Google (Alphabet)

  • Microsoft

  • Amazon

  • IBM

  • NVidia

  • Tesla

  • Netflix

  • Snapchat

  • Uber

  • Airbnb

  • Dropbox

  • LinkedIn

Announcements of future changes don't count. The new CEO needs to have taken on the role by the due date.

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probs = np.array([5, 10, 9, 14, 8, 4, 6, 8, 15, 4, 4, 7 ])/100
in_next_two_years = probs+((1-probs)*probs)

res = []
for _ in range(300000):
    sample = (np.random.random(in_next_two_years.shape) < in_next_two_years).sum() >= 2
predicts NO

@NoaNabeshima replace 2 with 4

predicts NO
import numpy as np

probs_for_one_year = np.array([5, 10, 9, 14, 8, 4, 6, 8, 15, 4, 4, 7 ])/100
in_next_two_years = probs_for_one_year+((1-probs_for_one_year)*probs_for_one_year)

res = []
for _ in range(300000):
    sample = (np.random.random(in_next_two_years.shape) < in_next_two_years).sum() >= 4
predicts NO

@NoaNabeshima returns 0.09

After some thought updated probs to
[4, 15, 8, 20, 12, 6, 20, 15, 15, 6, 6, 12]

predicts YES

@NoaNabeshima what is the original probs array storing?

predicts NO

@firstuserhere My eyeballed probabilities for the next year. Then I assume that the year after has the same probability