OpenAI Stock

Resolves NO if they're largely irrelevant

Resolves YES if they are market leader or duopoly (eg with Deepmind, as it once seemed)

Resolution in 2025-2030 timeframe.

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predicts YES


predicts YES


predicts YES

(broken manifold too..:)

back to 19th century link technology—

predicts NO

(Still resolves YES if they are the market leader, regardless of how evil, centralized, and clueless they become)

predicts NO

Imagine saying “if it looks like [potential world dictator] is amassing lots of power, we would stop competing with him and collaborate instead”

That’s their “alignment plan”

predicts NO

OpenAI then

OpenAI now

OpenAI Stock, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition

Thesis: they’ll be first to everything but never ship good products, have zero moat, and are all mind-virus infected

(Also a certain executive has consistently midwit twitter takes)

DeepMind ships 10x the volume, Stability leverages open-source, and the labs have actual commercial people around vs. needing a thousand people to release one model per year

Will they even be talked about by 2028?