Will anyone be reported to have made ≥1 million USD in 2024 through usage of their custom GPT?
Mar 2

Starting today, you can create GPTs and share them publicly. Later this month, we’re launching the GPT Store, featuring creations by verified builders. Once in the store, GPTs become searchable and may climb the leaderboards. We will also spotlight the most useful and delightful GPTs we come across in categories like productivity, education, and “just for fun”. In the coming months, you’ll also be able to earn money based on how many people are using your GPT.

Will it be reported that anyone (individual or company other than OpenAI!) made at least one million USD in 2024 from people having used their custom GPT from OpenAI's GPT store?

I'll be prone to admit credible self-reports as evidence, but preferably external news sources or some statement from OpenAI.

May resolve to YES early, or NO if no credible reports by closing date.
Let me know if you want to see improved resolution criteria somehow, I think the above should cover most of it.

I won't trade in this market, as resolution could get tricky.

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