Did Jeffrey Epstein kill himself?

Resolves once I am highly confident (>98%) of the answer, based on strong evidence from multiple sources that have no significant incentive to engage in a cover-up or a smear campaign against a certain political party. If that never happens, this market never resolves.

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How does it resolve if he was forced to kill himself?

Yes, because he was >allowed to.<

predicts NO

@FreshFrier that page no longer exists

predicts YES

@B1e0e https://apnews.com/article/jeffrey-epstein-jail-suicide-prison-death-8d194a756f2b429067f009a0c70f96c0 here is the original ap article that all of that article's content was taken from

Did Jeffrey Epstein kill himself?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition

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