Will at least 73 billion chickens be killed for meat in 2025?

Resolves based on https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/animals-slaughtered-for-meat, or the next best source if Our World in Data stops providing that info.

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Looks to me like the graph is below 73m and declining, what am I missing?

predicts YES

It declined for 1 year, after constantly increasing every single year for 60 years before that. I wouldn't update too strongly on a single year that bucks a 60-year trend, especially when the outlier year contained a global pandemic.

predicts NO

@IsaacKing Oh, fair. I was thinking maybe it had to do with the rise of meat alternatives but idk if that’s actually borne out by the data.

predicts YES

@Conflux if it looks like it's below 73 million to you, I suggest buying a lot of no :P

Great graph! thanks for linking

I hope so