Will Python 4 be released before 2030?


Python's creator Guido van Rossum and the Python Steering Council have explicitly stated there are no plans to release Python 4. After the challenging transition from Python 2 to Python 3, which took many years and caused significant compatibility issues, the development team has decided to continue improving Python through the 3.x versioning scheme rather than creating a new major version.

Resolution Criteria

This market will resolve YES if Python 4.0 (or any 4.x version) is officially released by the Python Software Foundation before January 1, 2030. The market will resolve NO if:

  • Python 4 is not released by January 1, 2030

  • Python development continues under the 3.x versioning scheme through 2030


  • Major version changes in programming languages are typically driven by breaking changes that require backward incompatibility

  • The Python development team is currently focused on improving Python 3 through incremental updates, including significant features like the nogil project

  • Any future breaking changes are likely to be implemented within the Python 3.x versioning scheme rather than warranting a new major version

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"We’re not thrilled about the idea of Python 4 and nobody in the core dev team is—so probably there never will be a version 4.0 and we’ll just keep numbering until 3.99," van Rossum stated. He emphasized that the transition from Python 2 to Python 3 was challenging and that the team learned valuable lessons from this experience. The team’s focus is on incremental improvements within the Python 3.x series rather than introducing a major version overhaul.

I saw someone who I thought was Guido in the mission district not too long ago and he ordered a 1st burrito after finishing his 0th so I think that portends to YES