Will General Fusion's Oxford demonstration plant be operational before Jan 1st, 2026?
This market resolves YES if two months after the start of 2026, General Fusion has publicly announced that their demonstration plant was operational before the end of 2025 (as the company has predicted, see https://www.science.org/content/article/plans-unveiled-private-uk-fusion-reactor-powered-smoke-rings-and-pneumatic-pistons)
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The Fusion Demonstration Program is a 70% scale prototype which was being built in Oxfordshire, UK with a reported cost of US$400 million.[27] It had been announced that the core technology had been proven out and was ready to be put together[28] and that the plant was to commence operations in 2027.[29] However the plant was put on hold in 2023 when the company announced that it would instead build a different machine in Canada aimed at demonstrating breakeven by 2026.[30]

From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Fusion#Fusion_Demonstration_Program

The company website confirms this as well. Their "technology demonstration" page used to talk about the Oxford plant, but now talks about a plant in Richmond with no mention of the Oxford one.