Will a cat born before 2020 live to be ≥150 years old?
  1. Time spent in cryostasis doesn't count

  2. Mind uploading doesn't count -- the cat needs to be wetware running on DNA, proteins, lipids, etc.

    Close date updated to 2170-08-21 5:59 pm

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predicts NO

Can this market be resolved before 2150?

@Duncan The very oldest of cats managed to live a few years past 30, with 38 being the world record (and #10 only living to 32). Recent articles suggest that the oldest living cat is 35 (and apparently not in good health). If, improbably, that sick and ancient cat somehow lives to 150, that'd mean the very soonest this bet could be resolved would be 2137.

This, of course, raises significant questions about how the market will be resolved, since the close date is specified as 2025?

predicts NO

@Duncan yes, if no cat alive now lives past 30, it can resolve in 2052.

predicts NO

@Duncan Fixed!