What will be Trump's cause of death?
Heart Attack

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opened a Ṁ387 Assassination YES at 11% order

Willing to sell all my Assassination NO shares at 11% if anyone wants to fill that

opened a Ṁ1,000 Assassination NO at 13% order

@inaccessibles i'll do 13

opened a Ṁ150 Assassination YES at 3% order

the incompetence of his secret service protection revealed last week is an upward update on Assassination. Certainly there are plenty of people with motives.

Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia:

“As diseases like Alzheimer’s or vascular dementia progress, they damage more and more of the brain. This damage eventually affects areas of the brain that control the body, causing systems to go wrong and shut down, eventually leading to death”


Quantum GamblerboughtṀ10Other YES

Ozempic overdoses!

opened a Ṁ1,000 Stroke YES at 10% order

@JonathanRay Trump isn’t obese lmao why do people keep saying this

@JonathanRay Also, if you make it past 75, chances are your heart is fine. It would be cancer at that point

@FoxKHTML He is not obese. He is Obese III.

opened a Ṁ2,000 Cancer YES at 8% order

being obese increases the risk of cancer by a lot, and I don't think should raise the ratio of heart attacks to cancer by that much. Being a rich american does substantially reduce the risk of actually dying from cancer though.

Historically speaking, presidents are far more likely than the general population to be murdered.

bought Ṁ10 Other YES

@thepurplebull Still low chance.

And 'only' 50% chance he'll be voted into office. Right now he's not very relevant.

@Bart5f6d Fun fact, you don’t need to be in office to be assassinated

bought Ṁ20 Other YES

There are so many ways to die. Surprised Other isn't higher