Will riot games release a trailer for their mmorpg game in 2024 ?
Dec 31

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“Resetting our development path also means we will be "going dark" for a long time—likely several years.”


I might be miscalculating, but from what I can see, Valorant (Project A) was in development for like 5 years before we saw a trailer.
So as a 0th order approximation, I think we'd need to wait 5 years of design/developement starting to see a trailer.

And I feel like an MMORPG is a larger project than a tacFPS, so I'd predict longer than 5 years.

My understanding is that a recruiting/hiring page for this project game up in 2021. Maybe some work was done before that, so perhaps they started work in 2020. So I'll expect a trailer maybe around 2025 or 2026.

(Not to mention the chance of them scraping the game, in which case we'd be less likely to see a trailer at all, let alone in 2024.)

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