Will a 2024 Presidential Candidate run an ad on the Las Vegas Sphere before the November 2024 Election?
Nov 6

The Las Vegas Sphere is a modern marvel capturing eyes from all over the country and social media shares galore.

Will any candidate run an ad on it before Election Day 2024? If so, this will resolve as "YES", otherwise will resolve as "No."

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@LesterCrafton, you may wish to extend the market closing date to closer to November 2024, the current date has this market closing at the end of 2023.

I think you have the wrong description?

@brwa Thank you. Not sure how that bled over from the other question. Send me a reminder in two weeks when I can send mana, and I'll shoot you a tip for recognizing this and saying something so I could correct it.

Ads run by pacs/superpacs to support the candidate will also resolve as "YES." The candidate's personal campaign needn't pay for the Sphere placement.

This market closes on 12/31/2024.