On Election Day, what will 538 say Joe Biden's approval rating is?

If I don't manage to check quickly enough, it will resolve based on the nearest Wayback machine snapshot

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I am not sure what we are betting on here.

predicts YES

@JimAusman move the price to what you think the approval rating will be, but I would prefer to know exactly when "on election day" this will be measured.

@ScottSupak This is a yes/no market.

predicts YES

@JimAusman I'm just guessing here since there are no rules, but yeah, if you think his approval will be higher, then bet yes in the amount necc to move the number to your corresponding approval guess?

@JimAusman Presumably it will resolve to some probability. Hopefully @LivInTheLookingGlass will clarify, but if not and I were the one resolving as moderator, that's what I would do. I do not expect that interpretation to be controversial.