Stranger things season 5: Jvyy Znk jnxr hc?
Jul 1

This Market will resolve to yes if at some point during season 5 of stranger things, Max awakes from her coma / brain death

Close date updated to 2023-12-31 11:59 pm

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Re-opening since Season 5 has not come out.

predicts YES

@SirCryptomind Season 5 isn't out yet, and its release date is TBD. So this question should be re-opened with an extended deadline.

If Max wakes up possessed I assume that counts?
predicts NO
@SneakySly The thing I care about is if Max still exists as a person. Given the way I phrased it, though, I think I would have to resolve YES if she did wake up possessed, regardless of whether her mind/soul/whatever is intact
predicts YES
@LivInTheLookingGlass Excellent thanks.