Will these tech figures previously presumed liberals declare support for President Trump by election day?
Nov 5
Jack Dorsey
Marc Benioff
Sergey Brin
Jensen Huang
Sam Altman
Jeff Bezos
Satya Nadella
Mark Zuckerberg
Bill Gates

This means

  • Donating at least six figures for a Trump PAC

  • An explicit declaration

I might bet.

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This means

  • Donating at least six figures for a Trump PAC

  • An explicit declaration

do both these things need to happen or just one?

Just one!

The donation criteria is a bit weird. Suppose someone donates USD 1 million to a Trump PAC and USD 10 million to a Biden PAC. Under the current criteria they will be assumed to have declared support for Trump, but that sounds ridiculous. My understanding is that both-sides donations are not uncommon, so I don't think it is outside the realm of reasonable possibilities

Yeah, most groups who want to influence politics but don't have an overtly political agenda themselves will donate to all sides (though as in your hypo, typically more to one side than the other).

Makes sense. But it's not typical of any of the people on the list. Either they donate large sums to Dems, or they donate 4 or 3 figures to Rs. And most of them never donated more than 4 figures for a Republican.


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