300 trillion digits of Pi calculated by the end of 2025?

Chronology of computation of Pi (Wikipedia)

According to a Wikipedia article above, the first 100 trillion (10^14) digits of Pi has firstly been calculated in a year 2022, and the first 200 trillion (2*10^14) digits - in a year 2024. Will we see the first 300 trillion (3*10^14) digits calculated no later than in a year 2025?

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Resolves N/A if a Pi number runs out of digits btw 🙃

bought Ṁ50 NO

After clicking the linked link, I kind of regret predicting NO

But also, the fact they're computing this on Windows 10 leaves me to believe these are fundamentally unserious people. They're going to get 170 days into computing and then BSOD and lose it all

bought Ṁ50 YES

@MagnusAnderson This doesn't need any serious science and they can easily save it out a regular intervals.