Will resolve to the first thing that definitely happens
Update 2025-11-01 (PST) (AI summary of creator comment): Resolution Criteria Update:
Movement toward becoming law is no longer a potential resolution since the ban has been signed into law.
Update 2025-15-01 (PST): - If TikTok shuts down entirely, it will presumably not be available in the app stores, and the market will resolve accordingly. (AI summary of creator comment)
Update 2025-18-01 (PST): - If Trump uses executive power to keep TikTok operational, the market will resolve to 'none of these happen.' (AI summary of creator comment)
@MichaelBlume I want to clarify that I'm pretty confident I will not resolve to this option. The relevant law has already been signed by President Biden. If Trump somehow uses his executive power to keep TikTok in operation (presumably by ordering his AG not to enforce the law) that would be an interesting outcome, and one I'll wish I had included as an option, but not a veto. Presumably I'd resolve to "none of these happen"
@MichaelBlume Good market, especially with the bill looking very likely to pass! I'm adding some subsidy and boosting!
@DavidFWatson Let's go with a majority of smartphone users in the US will not be able to download TikTok from their preferred app store.
@MichaelBlume So since it's now signed into law, that option is guaranteed to resolve NO, right?