Which former “Blue Wall” State will be closest in 2024?
Dec 31

Which state—Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania—will have the closest percentage margin in the 2024 U.S. Presidential election?

This market will resolve based on the state with the smallest percentage difference between the two leading candidates (not based on the raw vote count)

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This should be a dependent MC market.

@Lion My bad man, its my first market so apologies for any mistakes!

@Moggy No problem, this happens all the time and we have been requesting an UI changes since month. [There probably are 100s of these cases reported on Discord.] You can either leave it like this or request mods to N/A this one and create a new one. Even it's a little bit inconvinient, it works like this. Your choice. For the future: You have to select "How many answers will be choosen?" - "One".

@Lion Thanks man. Will leave this market as is but good to know for the future