Will TSLA reach >$ 299 before 8pm EST on 10/11?
Oct 12


Market resolves if TSLA reaches >$299 ($299.01+) at any point before 8pm EST on

10/11 - this includes After Market but not Overnight trading.

For After Market trading information: After-Hours Trading: How It Works, Advantages, Risks, Example (investopedia.com)

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bought Ṁ9,000 YES

As we stand a 1% gain every day without fail is still not enough to get this to resolve YES.

9% gain this week! we're doing it

bought Ṁ2,000 NO

now it just needs a 1.3% increase every trading day

If you haven't seen the TSLA train yet then go search for it and come back and buy yes shares.

@Predictor Interesting, However I would tend to assume that for a busy line the cost of electric cables would be cheaper than the expensive batteries needed on such operating trains that are also heavy to transport around increasing friction and acceleration costs. So perhaps a niche product for low usage sidelines that are not worth electrification cost and the trains will be expensive for the battery cost so rarely used even in those cases.

Glad to see it? Yes. Should we be excited by the value this might bring to Tesla? I tend to think not. Maybe you see this differently?

@ChristopherRandles The train actually has little to do with Tesla. They didn't build it and they're not operating it - they just use it.


@ChristopherRandles lmao wat train u on about?

@TimothyJohnson5c16 Exactly. Did Predictor really think this would move the value of Tesla up?

@MolbyDick Predictor said search for it so I did and I am sure you can also put 'Tesla train' into your favourite search engine.

Maybe try Bing because what I saw was a thing of beauty.

@ChristopherRandles it’s not Tesla & not material to Tesla.

@MolbyDick Are we pumping this stock or not?

bought Ṁ250 YES

If Jimmy Carter is still alive in October at least I'll have TSLA at > $ 299 so life is good.

bought Ṁ4,200 YES

@MolbyDick Current price is, 218.84, volatility to 10/11 is 0.57305 (according to https://optioncharts.io/options/TSLA/volatility-skew?option_type=all&expiration_dates=2024-10-11:w), assuming 10% annual return on stocks and running simulations tells me that this is a 5.8% chance.

bought Ṁ100,000 YES

@bagelfan 300 by 10/100

350 by EOY.

500 by EOY 2025

~720 by EOY 2026

opened a Ṁ50,000 NO at 29% order

@MolbyDick only 100k? smh

@jacksonpolack remember what I said about matching my options activity….

bought Ṁ200 YES

@JuddBlackberg Yeah, ok. You have no clue.

bought Ṁ101,000 YES