Will Greta Thunberg run for or be appointed to any political role before the end of 2030?
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Better to be a influential outsider by far.

@parhizj So why people become politicians?

predicts NO

@MrLuke255 In my opinion, politicians want power not system change.

predicts YES

@parhizj power is the ability to change or influence systems

predicts NO

@brubsby the illusion of it anyway

@parhizj Don't activists also want the feeling of being in power?

predicts NO

@MrLuke255 I should have been more specific and said I believe politicians want individual power, whereas activists would want power derived from collective agency. Even so, I have become pessimistic in the last few years, believing that power exerted towards systems change does not imply the power to effect better outcomes to wicked problems like climate change.