Will GiveWell exist in 2031? (X-risk doesn't count)

If this question resolves, what is the chance that givewell an organisation has ceased to exist in a form similar to it’s current form?

This question must actually resolve - it is a question about organisational change, not existential risk.

This question will still resolve positively if:

  • GiveWell becomes part of another organisation

  • more than 60% of staff move to a new organisation at once

  • if it changes its name.

Situations where this question would resolve negatively include but are not limited to:

  • All GiveWell’s staff move to other organisations, but not the whole staff. eg fewer than 60% move to the same organisation. 

  • GiveWell runs out of funding and has to close down

  • GiveWell has a scandal and ceases to exist

    Jan 6, 10:59am: If this question resolves, will GiveWell exist in 2031? → Will GiveWell exist in 2031? (X-risk doesn't count)

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I read the title as "if the org moves to working on x-risk, it counts as dead"

is this supposed to be like an amplified market?

@jacksonpolack I don't think so, why do you think that?

the "if this question resolves" bit in the title" made it seem like such resolution was conditional on something