Rolls Royce SMR nuclear power by 2030?

Will there be a Rolls Royce Small Modular Reactor operational in a live environment (i.e. providing electricity for actual end customers, not in a test lab) anywhere in the world before 1st January 2030?

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Not sure this moves the needle at all but there's some UK.GOV money on the table.

Three prototypes by the end of the year, if they actually achieve that then they’re further ahead than I expected.

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"Rolls-Royce SMR was established in November 2021 to bring a modularised, factory-built SMR to market, capable of generating 470MW of low-carbon electricity for at least 60 years based on standard nuclear energy technology. The design has been accepted for Generic Design Assessment review in the UK with a view to UK regulatory approval by mid-2024. A Rolls-Royce-led UK SMR consortium aims to build 16 SMRs and expects to complete its first unit in the early 2030s. Rolls Royce is also discussing deployment of its SMR with the Czech Republic, Poland, and Estonia."