What will be the first celestial body other than Earth, Moon and Mars to be visited by humans?

So far humans have set foot on Earth and Moon. There are also some early plan to send humans to Mars. This question is about the next celestial body to be landed on by humans.

For this market to resolve, a human astronaut has to be on the surface of the celestial body, either inside or outside of a spacecraft.

Only celestial bodies which have a surface with surface gravity at least 10% g are considered. This excludes gas giants, asteroids and smaller moons.

In case the landing happens after the line between human and AI gets blurred, the entity that lands on the celestial body has to contain the whole human mind (or what counts as such at the time). Remotely controlled body doesn't count.

The option "Other" covers interstellar objects and potential undiscovered planets in Solar System.

If no landing happens before the closing date, the market will be extended or resolved to N/A.

I do not bet on my own questions.

  • Update 2025-26-01 (PST): - Landing Requirement: An astronaut must land at least briefly on the celestial body. Floating or gliding within the atmosphere does not qualify. (AI summary of creator comment)

  • Update 2025-02-04 (PST) (AI summary of creator comment): - Resolution Trigger: The market will resolve as soon as a human lands on any eligible celestial body (other than Mars).

    • Order Irrelevant: It does not matter if Mars is visited first; the first landing on any eligible planet or moon (other than Mars) will resolve the market immediately.

    • Eligible Bodies: Only celestial bodies with a surface (surface gravity at least 10% g) are considered.

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Oh, by the way, in an unlikely event that one of these bodies gets visited before Mars, how does it resolve? To the one visited, or does it get extended until a human visits Mars and then some other body?

@StepanBakhmarin It's about the first body other than Mars, not the first after Mars. As soon as any of these planets or moons is visited, the question will be resolved, regardless of whether Mars has been visited before.

@OlegEterevsky got it πŸ‘

sold αΉ€0 Other YES

Not bettable as per description, but it will be Enceladus

@JussiVilleHeiskanen If smaller celestial bodies were included, it would probably be either some asteroid, Phobos or Deimos.

@JussiVilleHeiskanen what about some near-earth asteroid? They can have ridiculously low delta-vees

@JussiVilleHeiskanen Why not Ceres before Enceladus?

@jks finding out we are not alone before spreading out

bought αΉ€100 Other NO

Jovian radiation

Moon rem/day

Io 3600

Europa 540

Ganymede 8

Callisto 0.01

Earth (Max) 0.07

Earth (Avg) 0.0007

sold αΉ€50 Other YES

Is floating in a balloon or gliding around within the atmosphere of Venus not enough for a yes resolution?

@mariopasquato No, somebody has to land at least briefly.

Since Other is currently at 29%, I just wanted to reiterate, that all currently known celestial bodies with surface gravity at least 10% g are listed. The only possibility for "Other" would be Planet X or some interstellar object.

bought αΉ€50 Callisto YES

Callisto is far more likely than either Ganymede or Europa, due to being outside of Jupiter's intense radiation belt.

15% Other

Have I missed any known bodies in the Solar System that match the description? I don’t think so.

"Only celestial bodies which have a surface with surface gravity at least 10% g are considered."
This even excludes Ceres, which is unfortunate.

@HarrisonNathan I wanted to exclude hanging around some small asteroid or comet and needed to draw a line somewhere. 0.1g seems like a reasonable cutoff.

For this market to resolve, a human astronaut has to be on the surface of the celestial body, either inside or outside of a spacecraft.

Is there a requirement that the person should be alive?

@bessarabov Yes. Sorry, I forgot to mention it