In 2023, the technology does not yet exist to implement self-driving cars everywhere in the US. At some tipping point, communication between self driving cars will be far safer and effective than cars not controlled by this network, making human drivers the primary hazard on the roads.
When will technology, public will, and politics drive legislation that turns against the human driver as a dangerous Luddite, and force the driving aficionados to drive on separate (off-public road) tracks for their own amusement?
Date of resolution set at January 1, 2046.
If current bettors want out, please notify me week of October 15-21 and I will resolve to N/A.
@RamsinDinkha Good insight, my friend! You have a good history in managing down guns since your crisis the end of the last century. We have the second amendment, protecting the right to bear arms…but we don’t have the same for driving. Driving is considered a privilege, not a right, and it can be taken away, at the individual level. En masse, though? That’s the issue I raise, here. It may become a public safety issue. Enjoy, please!
@RamsinDinkha Good insight, my friend! You have a good history in managing down guns since your crisis the end of the last century. We have the second amendment, protecting the right to bear arms…but we don’t have the same for driving. Driving is considered a privilege, not a right, and it can be taken away, at the individual level. En masse, though? That’s the issue I raise, here. It may become a public safety issue. Enjoy, please!