I don't currently need a new kidney and I don't think I'm more likely than average to need one in the future. I am 36 years old.
If you are inclined to donate your kidney to a stranger, this market exists to slightly incentivise you to donate one to me in particular, in the unlikely event that I need one in the future.
If this actually happens I will pay for associated costs such as travel (assuming it's legal and I can afford to do so).
Resolves YES if somone with a Manifold account successfully donates their kidney to me.
Resolves NO if I become ineligible to receive a kidney for any reason.
If you would like to promise your kidney to me, send me a private message. If I do need a kidney, people who have promised me a kidney will be the first to know, and be given plenty of time to insider trade and profit.
@IsaacKing hmm good point, I'll rephrase. Anyone who promises me a kidney will be the first to know if I need a kidney, with plenty of time to insider trade.
What would you resolve it as if a manifold user who isn't compatible with you genetically does a kidney exchange with the explicit purpose of giving you a kidney? (I. E. They donate their kidney to Alice and her husband Andrew donates his kidney to you in exchange).
What about if they donate to you directly but on the condition that I donate my kidney to someone else, effectively starting a kidney donation chain?
@Paulf4db OK then I pledge that if you need a kidney, I will start an undirected chain if a manifolder donates theirs to you.
Also, I'm a manifolder, so me donating to you would resolve YES.
@Mad stop making it seem more likely that I'll receive a kidney from a Manifolder, you'll ruin the incentive ๐