Will Netflix's brick and mortar stores fail by end of 2026?

If at least one store is open by the end of 2026, then this will resolve "No".

If no stores open by the end of 2026, then this will resolve "Yes".

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To clarify the resolution criteria:

  • What if they fail to open one by end of 2026? Or open one in 2026, but late enough that not-failing is unremarkable?

  • What if some fail and others succeed?

@philh If at least one store is open by the end of 2026, then this will resolve "No"

predicts NO

@Pifibbi and if they don't open any by then, it's a yes, or N/A?

@philh If no stores open by the end of 2026, then this will resolve "Yes"

I believe it's spelled "mortar"

@IanCullinan thanks!