Will the Timescape theory seduce cosmologists?

There has been some recent media chatter about the Timescape theory, because of this new paper:

News coverage:

By 2030, will a majority of cosmologists assign more than a 30% credence to a Timescape style theory?

By Timescape style, I mean:
- Rejecting the cosmological constant or dark energy
- Rejecting the cosmological principle

It should be pretty clear but if not I'll try to email some people, and for good beasure I won't bet on this market

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Physicists hate non-homogeneous solutions to problems. You can solve every open question by stating "the laws of physics are different from there to there", physicists want laws that work everywhere.

With that in mind, you'd need overwheling evidence for timescape to go mainstream.

@hidetzugu Are you sure this is saying that the laws of physics are different? I didn't get that from the explanations I heard

@Ppau Im not an expert in cosmology... But from what I understand the theory heavily couples matter density and time dilation.

Other "inflation-solving" theories do the same type of coupling. The "variable speed of Light" theory for example proposes speed of Light is "matter density" specific radically altering c in the early universe.

That said, Im betting based on a feeling from a cursory look at what's being reported. We've seen non-mainstream theories pop into thr limelight from time to time. Most times, people keep working on them in the background but they stay in the background.

I'm not very knowledgeable on physics or astronomy - how true is this? This seems like a pretty heavy toll on timescape.

@MingCat Not very knowledgeable either, but yeah these seem like serious obstacles