Contingent on OpenAI suffering a cyber attack this year; what will the nature of the attack be? (Add Answers)
Jan 1
DDoS Attack
Customer Data Breach
At least one endpoint of OpenAI's API is down
Stolen internal documents (not including code)
Ransom demanded
Massive DDOS
ChatGPT responses become less coherent
Stolen model source code or weights

Contingent on this market resolving YES:

Multiple answers may be chosen if OpenAI suffers multiple attacks by the end of the year.

Each answer will resolve YES if credible evidence (reputable news reports, official statements from OpenAI, etc) support them. They will resolve NO otherwise.

If OpenAI suffers no major cyber attacks this year and the linked market above resolves NO, then all answers will resolve N/A.

As always, feel free to ask questions or disagree with my resolution criteria in the comments.

I will not bet in this market.

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bought Ṁ10 Massive DDOS YES

@Pykess OpenAI suffered a DDOS attack last month:

Not sure if this qualifies as "Massive" though...

@SaviorofPlant This is certainly very interesting! It's hard to tell if the claim is credible though, and the linked market outlines what counts as a massive DDoS.

sold Ṁ30 Massive DDOS YES

@Pykess Outage was only 7 hours, so this doesn't count according to those criteria

@SaviorofPlant Close though! However I would want it to be confirmed that the outage was due to an attack. Even if not from OpenAI, from other insider experts.

@SaviorofPlant Ah, well that's certainly good news for the YES holders in the linked market. Thanks for the sources!

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