Will Deadpool 3 achieve 9.0+ score on imdb.com?

Will “Deadpool and Wolverine” have an IMDb rating of 9 or higher on Feb. 1, 2025?

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Changed date to Feb. 1. 2025 to let the reviews settle.

Changed date to Feb. 1. 2025 to let the reviews settle.

When? The scores are very noisy within weeks/months after being published.

My guess is on August 1st, the close date of the market, but agreed that it’d be better for the market to specify explicitly

Hm... the movie comes out on July 26th, but the question resolves on August 1st. I think that's going to be really noisy then. My guess is that if the score is >9 then, it's 80% likely to go under 9 within 6 months, then settle.

bought Ṁ50 YES from 22% to 25%
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