If I move to Hawaii with my partner, will we be happy we moved?

My partner and I are considering moving to Honolulu from NYC when our lease ends, in September. We both work remotely. She loves NYC and the big city vibes, but for me, it's often too much. However, I still enjoy the city and since we moved to Jersey City, I'm quite happy with our location.

- The weather. We both like warm weather

- The culture. I really like how Hawaii is laid back and I feel like I could fit in better than with the New York vibes
- Hawaii has great hikes and diving spots, two things that I'm passionate about. It also has great beaches, which my partner is passionate about. We can even try out new hobbies like surfing.

- Public transportation is a big deal for us. I don't think it's as good there as in NYC.
- We have no friends in Hawaii. But on the other friends we don't have many good friends in NYC either.

- We will need to start working at 5-6 am, which is a big ask for me but I think I can adapt my schedule.
- NYC has so much to do and Honolulu is more limited.
- Far from anywhere else, if we want to travel flights will be expensive.
- Moving can be a big pain.

Other considerations:
- I don't think Honolulu would be much more expensive than New York
- Seems like Honolulu also has a good amount of vegan food, which is important for us

Resolves YES if we decide together that moving was a good idea, 6 months after moving. N/A if we don't end up moving there.

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The 6-month decision span is right through Winter. Bet YES.

-start working at 5-6 am -- One thing to remember is the sun rises at a more consistent time through the year, due to latitude. This might be a good thing.

-NYC has so much to do and Honolulu is more limited. -- Very true, you will need to make your own fun. That said there are lot and lots of small hobbyist groups, everything from paddling to taiko drums to lei making or mandala art. Of course most hobby groups will be more Asian / Pacific Isle oriented. But I've even seen bluegrass groups jamming at the beach, which is pretty neat.

-expense -- it's the food that will get you.

-vegan food -- yes, but it's not just everywhere either. Standard local fare is mostly meat (it ships better)

-outdoors -- is absolutely amazing. But be safe! The ground is both crumbly and slick as algae (high silicate content). The islands themselves are gigantic mountains in the middle of an ocean-plain. The water currents whip around more violently than the wind whips around the Himalayas.

If you move ask your neighbors and new friends for some pidgin tips. Not to speak of course, just to understand. Basic words n phrases like pau hana, mauka/makai, shoots, lanai.