Can I run a marathon with no training?
Jan 1


  • 28 year old male

  • Works out some(2 - 3 times a week) but no major cardio

  • 6'1 - 210lb


  • Public marathon

  • Need to finish in under 5hr30min(5:30)


  • Added a year as there's no upcoming marathons in area

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bought Ṁ50 YES

28 year old male, not obese, work outs 2-3 times, finish in 5:30. Yeah, if you don't give up and can tolerate pain. 100% yes.

bought Ṁ50 YES from 15% to 19%

I just want to say that if one has never ran longer than a 10k (and doesn’t happen to run like 4 quality miles every day), running a half-marathon will probably give them like 90% of the learning value that running a marathon would, with like 25% of the health risk.

You could probably walk a marathon

predicts YES

@f Not under 5:30

predicts NO

How does this resolve if you fail to register for and/or run one prior to the end of the year? I would consider that a "NO" result

predicts YES

@Timboslice Seconding the question. Though NA might be more appropriate. Also what happens if you actually train for it and complete it? NA I guess?

predicts NO

@NicoDelon evidence of training voids the attempt in my mind: NA

He updated the year to end of 2024, so this isn't as much of a gimmie as it just was

Scott Cramer (a YouTuber) did this, and it certainly didn’t look fun

@mattyb It took him over 6 hours, so would resolve NO for him.

You could but it’s gonna be a miserable experience.

Post your registration

In less than 5:30 with no major cardio will be the main constraint. You could probably finish it but not in that cut-off...

predicts NO

For some context, my partner runs regularly and did a marathon in 5 hours. He had not trained as hard as he'd intended to.