What will be true of Touhou 20?
Releases in 2025
At least one playable youkai
Will be followed, before Touhou 21 and within three years of release, by at least two fractional Touhou games (20.x)
At least five playable characters
Mima appears
Final integer-numbered game in the Touhou series
A multiplayer mode exists

Touhou 20 is coming at some point. We currently don't know all that much about it. Let's speculate!

Addition-of-new-options is open to all, and I will do my best to resolve all added options honestly, although I reserve the right to N/A anything excessively ill-defined or difficult to verify.

In order to remain impartial about edge-case-handling, I will refrain from buying shares in this market.

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Mima appears
bought Ṁ5 Mima appears YES

Im now poor

@kanade3 Why would you do this to yourself.

Mima appears

I can feel it in my bones!

Final integer-numbered game in the Touhou series

Hm, that's a long one. Probably TH21, if it exists, comes out in 2027 or later...

@mxxun I'll push back the market closing date as needed for this one. (Resolve to No if TH21 comes out, resolve to Yes if some sort of announcement of TH20 being the end, or some other similarly-strong bit of evidence, comes out, otherwise leave it open pending new evidence.)

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