Is Donald Trump a fascist?
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No, he’s just right-wing/conservative
He’s far-right but not a fascist
Yes, he is a fascist

Wikipedia’s page on “Trumpism” lists it as a “fascist” ideology. I just want to know if any of you agree.

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Of Umberto Eco's fourteen features of fascism, Trumpism satisfies at least eleven.

  1. Cult of tradition ✅

  2. Rejection of modernism; irrationalism ✅

  3. Action over thought; anti-intellectualism ✅

  4. Disagreement is treason ✅

  5. Anti-diversity ✅

  6. Appeal to frustration ✅

  7. Paranoid nationalism; obsession with a plot ✅

  8. The enemy is both too strong and too weak ✅

  9. Life is permanent warfare ❓

  10. Contempt for the weak ✅

  11. Impatience for death ❓

  12. Machismo, misogyny, homophobia ✅

  13. Selective populism ✅

  14. Newspeak ❓

See Eco, "Eternal Fascism: Fourteen Ways of Looking at a Blackshirt" (1995).

It’s not a very good metric for fascism imo. A lot of Marxist-Leninist leaders would probably fit these descriptions too.

I'd suggest looking up Eco's essay rather than taking my summary as accurate. Alternately, we could just say yes, some Marxist-Leninists are fascists too. ("Red fascism" would not be a new coinage.)

Some would argue that "fascism" should really only be used for the original Italian movement; and maybe also for German Nazism, Spanish Falangism, and their immediate early-to-mid-20th-century kin. That seems too restrictive for me; e.g. it seems obvious that Nazi-imitators today intend to be fascists; as do various elements of the European extreme right.

To be completely safe I might say that Trumpism participates in several of the features of fascism that make fascism objectionable. One that Eco does not mention is fascism's liking for street violence, which in the Trump movement shows up in the form of the Proud Boys and their kin.

I don't think he's either fascist or far-right but calling him "just far-right/conservative" is not connotanionally accurate either