Will Kramnik directly accuse someone of cheating in chess in 2024?
Jan 1

Vladimir Kramnik (former world champion) has recently become infamous for regularly alluding to some players cheating. As far as I know currently he just "analyzes" what he considers suspicious and accuses people indirectly, but it seems like he is getting more and more unhinged. You can usually find his latest posts on Twitter - https://twitter.com/VBkramnik. He also streams on YouTube.

He must straight up say/write that he thinks a specific player is cheating (using disallowed outside assistance when playing chess games - engine, another human...). The player must be uniquely identifable from Kramnik's statement.

  • Accusations of anonymous users do not count.

  • [Added 18.3.2024] Just clicking a chess.com (or similar) report without saying or writing anything about cheating does not count.

  • Any statements made before creation of this market do not count.

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This should resolve yes. He accused GM Jose Martinez.

@NathanShowell Can you link specific time? I watched the intro before Gotham started analyzing their games and have not seen direct statement from Kramnik that would say that.

bought Ṁ50 NO

@NathanShowell there is both no direct accusation here, and any insinuations by Vlad pre-date this market creation anyway

@Weezing Kramnik's comments start at 2:50. He said that he would not play against Jospem anymore online and would resign in one move if he did. Kramnik later did, in fact, resign in one move. That statement and resignation combined seem to me like enough to resolve this market Yes.

@NathanShowell Yea, but there is no statement that he did it, because he suspects his opponent is cheating. He just said he would resign next time and then later did it. Obviously it's resonable assumption why he did it, but this market requires direct accusation. This is not enough for YES resolution. As I wrote in the description he has accused players indirectly many times in the past.

Does reporting a player as a cheater in titled Tuesday count ?

@bobbill Good question. While using chess.com report function is usually also an accusation, I don't want to count just him clicking in the menu (which could be construed as just flagging someone for chess.com review). I want to see him say it or write it. If he just reports someone without saying or writing anything about cheating, I will not count it. However saying "this player I just played with is cheating" in Titled Tuesday counts, because players are not anonymous.